Meet our roofing team: experts dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction.

Mike Flynn


Mike started The Roofing Guys with a passion for roofing while working in the construction industry. He had a dream to create a reputable business and turn it into a household name while developing a highly efficient way to do roof replacements. Today The Roofing Guy’s process of roof replacements has set the bar for the industry standard.  A master in marketing you can’t go anywhere in Syracuse without seeing and hearing a Roofing Guys ad. Mike started The Roofing Guys from the ground up and has grown it into the largest residential roofing company in the Northeast. A lifelong resident of CNY Mike’s commitment to the company, his employees, and his community is one to be recognized. 


$0 Money Down Financing Available

Roof For A Reason

Roof for a Reason is back! For the 8th year, The Roofing Guys is giving away a free roof to someone in need. Stay tuned for the announcement of this year’s winner soon!